Morquio Syndrom
Kevin in Freak the MIghty was diagnosed with Morquio Syndrom. In this picture Kevin is in the hospital.
One in every two hundered thousand people are diagnosed with Morquio Syndrom. Witch had a huge impact on Freak, or Keven, in the novel Freak the Mighty.
Morqio Syndrom is a syndrom that is inherited by your parents if they both carry it. Where your organs grow faster than your body.Found by a children docter in Uruguay, Dr. Morquio, in 1929. Symptoms may inclued knock-knees, large head, wide spaced teeth, and a different growth of bones.
People with Morquio Syndrom are diagnosed at birth, but symptoms show usualy around the age two or three.Then progresses as you organs grow faster than your body.
With Morquio Syndrom people have different growth of bones the text states,"Freak shakes his head...'Everybody is always changing. My problem is, I'm growing on the inside but not the outside"(Phibrick 89).Also those who have Morquio Syndrom usually will have a short stature,the author states, "You'd think he was mabye two years old, thats how short he was..."(Philbrick 25).Finnaly, with Morquio Syndrom you may have breathing issuses, in the novel,"She means the trouble he has somtimes catching his breath..."